Borderlands 2: Special Legendary Suffering Hyper Mega Championship DX Edition

Hello everyone, my name is Carlos, I live in New Orleansm my father died when I was only 7 and my mother passed of because of ebola. This story happened 2 years ago, I was bored in my house when somebody rang my door, I opened it but there was nobody, the only thing that was there was a small package, I went inside and opened it.
Inside it there was another package, I opened it, inside that package there was a Borderlands 2:Special Legendary Suffering Hyper Mega Championship DX Edition with a note attached to it, it said: "hapy berdey u homo". It wasn't my birthday, but, ¿who cares?, I put the disc on the ps3 and started playing, but I notice something strange, the music in the intro was different, instead of short change hero, this sounded:
Also, every character was replaced by Jim Sterling, the rest of the intro was normal, the title screen was weird too, instead of showing the usual Borderlands 2 logo, it showed Jim Sterling in boxers and the title read: "Jim Sterling owns you", I resisted the urge to fap and pressed enter, in the character selection screen instead of showing the usual character, it only showed Jim Sterling, 4 times, I choosid him and the game started, I was in a dark room with a blood trail (like the one in max payne), my character only had a pistol, I went forward and a door appeared out of nowhere, I open it and my character was teleported to a house and it looked just like mine!, there were some differences, every picture was replaced by Jim Sterling photos, the walls were covered in blood, and the corpses of my dead parents where on my bed, when I tried to leave the house the character was teleported to a pitch black room, then a boss fight started, the boss was a giant Jim Sterling in a red thong, before I knew what happened he killed my, then the TV explode, I was scared, when something entered in my house, it was small and had many arms, I went to hide in the bathroom, I am now typing this and I don't know how many time I have left... I can feel him watching me with his hyper realistic eyes, I don't want to die.